Introducing ‘The Herbal Garden’ !!!

There was an unusual amount of racket and looking closer, things appeared even more chaotic. It looked like lunch break. But really it was just the school kids looking and pointing, curiosity piqued , poring over the fence trying to glimpse before the others did. We were really stoked that the children were also equally excited!!

So finally, after all the delays in setting up a Herbal Garden at Jaigopal Garodia , IT IS FINALLY FINISHED!!! 🙂  yes, finished. That does sound really good.

Getting the first project off the ground was the major hurdle and now that it is complete, feeling very relieved.

Just to give you a glimpse at how things went, check out our behind-the-scene potshots!

Working on the sign boards!!


work, work , work!!


A lot of boards to go through!!Image

.Moving on to the field work as the sign boards were done.

and finally, introducing ‘The herbal garden’!!


The before and after effect!! 😛




Stunning transformation!


Every herb plant with the sign board giving information about the scientific name, local name , the uses with the specific parts along with how to use!

IMG_0048Along the way…

We made sure each plant had been secured with a brick layer around it!

IMG_9959 IMG_9964

Fencing to make sure the kids don’t damage it on a spree.

IMG_9966 IMG_9968Through the fence gap!!


Extremely proud and feeling accomplished after the results we’ve obtained.

So as promised , we will keep pushing through for more herbal gardens for corporation schools and funds for the same. But for now enjoying the completion of the mini garden and reveling in its success. 😀


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