Landscaping @ Madipakkam

Mrs. Yamuna was one of the earliest clients we had and we were really thrilled to have created the perfect garden that she had desired. Even when we got busy, she still remained in touch. So it was really our pleasure, that she gave us this opportunity to show our skill.

Running around finishing up work , reviewing the final design, making changes, redesigning, realigning, rearranging , on the site!! It was as if we were doing it in our own homes. That was how we felt.

The latest project @ madipakkam, Chennai , SPACES had the privilege of turning a rather modern balcony with glass panes into a real classy one with a touch of contemporary art and design added to it. Of course we didn’t just stick to the balconies. We also helped create a mini lawn with bamboo strewn on the side.

The clients loved the terracotta lanterns and the hanging pots. We loved the dramatic effect of the glass bowls with cacti and the bamboo wall planters. .

We hope you enjoy these landscapes as much as SPACES had fun putting these together.

4 thoughts on “Landscaping @ Madipakkam

  1. Hi,
    I saw the write up on your company today and kudos for following your passions. As some of you are Microbiologists , I would like to offer a suggestion. I’m sure you would have thought of this already, but the new building projects coming up all across the periphery of the city all have to have Sewage treatment plants as mandated by the government. Most projects managed by their associations use the recycled water for landscaping and reflushing. But, by the standards I’ve seen, they just manage what the builders left them. As you know this recycled water is extremely conducive to plant growth because of the treatment process. An average apartment association spends around 35000 per month on electricity and between 30000-65000 a month on STP maintenance contracts, and yet the do not utilize the treated water to its full potential.

    A company liker yours would be invaluable to these associations, anyway spending this kind of monies, in fully utilizing the recycled water. Existing landscapes(mostly grass walkthroughs) can be enhanced with the right king of flowering plants, orchards, gardens etc. The resource to help maintain this flows freely and is in many cases, simply let off. It would be great if a company like yours could be consultants to them, advising them to fully utilize this resource which in turn will grow their property values. It would be a winning partnership to both sides..

    All the very best in your endeavors, a merry Christmas and have a very Happy new year

    • Sir thankyou for visiting our blog and for your wishes!! Of course , we will take forward this idea.. its a brilliant one. Not all builders currently utilise the recycled water to its full potential.

  2. Absolutely marvelous piece of work…goes to show how much you guys have moved ahead..kudos to your hard work…passion and achievement… Wish u all the best for the future…A very happy and prosperous New Year and exciting new ventures \prospects for the SPACES in the years to come.

    • Thankyou ! Its our passion that has carried us so far , so we are grateful for that !

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