Terrace Kitchen Garden @ Velachery

A kitchen garden seems to have become a buzzword of sorts.Everyone wants to try a hand at it. Not all that difficult, but not as simple as well.

In our most recent project at Velachery, our clients had already taken numerous measures to make their roof waterproof. Further more they have used special tiles which reflect the sunlight and as a result make their rooms much cooler. These may,however, not be ideal solutions for the ones who cannot afford to splurge as much.

So SPACES explored the rule of three’s here. Three important point to keep in mind while setting up any terrace garden be it kitchen or ornamental!

Step 1: Ensure there isn’t too much weight that is concentrated across your terrace, identify load bearing points of your building. Typically this will restrict you to the edges of the terrace,and maybe a small portion in the middle.


Step 2: Make sure, there is never a chance for the water to seep through the roof. Always have a base, like maybe stands(which may add weight to your terrace) or in this case, drainage cells! These light weight contraptions allow water to either evaporate or run off, never stagnate.


Step 3: A shade net is a must for your ground variety of veggies, especially for the Chennai heat. And a sound support structure for your climber veggies.


A look at the pot garden set up on the other end of their terrace.


We literally can’t wait for this wall to become all glorified by the greenery we have planted by it!

If you too feel that your home requires more greenery, approach SPACES for a quote today!!

Front Yard Garden Restoration @ Mylapore!

There is always a charm that comes along with a traditional typical south-Indian houses and SPACES were very thrilled to revamp their landscape.

The redesign of Mr.Kavithalaya Krishnan’s home, done by SPACES now beckons to be explored and admired! Mr.Krishnan’s home, even though very shady and tree-rich, had a few things missing and we decided to spruce it up and add a little of our ingenuity to it as well.

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Adding a grassy patch to the ground creates a magical effect. Very welcoming and attracts the eye,,..compared to the earlier barren land.mobile pics2 Created a green patch right in the middle of the trees along the walk-way.mobile pics3We managed to make a make-shift garden sit out with the logs that were discarded at his household.mobile pics4SPACES not only refurbished their front yard, but also created a kitchen garden at the backyard.They are now proud owners of a truly green residence at the heart of the city in Mylapore!