“GREEN THUMBS” One Stop Garden Shop – Inaugural Day!!

And finally our dream shop is open.
For fbCatch some of the glimpses of the day.

Just before the opening!


The very moment!!

IMG_3900Aaaaand….We’re Open!!
IMG_3903Performing Pooja!!IMG_3918Some of our guests.


Mr.Sriram, who was a rock on the day and our own Hydroponics mentor!IMG_3934Proud owners!!IMG_3929A glimpse of all our newspaper media!IMG_3944A little token of best wishes from everyone.

IMG_3948And finally, a view of our newly decorated office!! 🙂 IMG_3965SPACES has yet again broken an important hurdle. Owning a brand new store! Do drop in sometime, whether to gawk or buy, doesn’t matter. 🙂


SPACES goes viral!!


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The Wait Is Over- Green Thumbs

The Wait is over and finally the new store is to be unveiled for everyone at Mylapore, Chennai on 26th of June.


Here’s a small glimpse of the new shop and what’s in store for everyone to view.

greenthumbsGreen Thumbs – Your ..One Stop Garden Shop is finally ready to hit the road!